





  • 生物芯片和DNA存储

  • 新一代DNA测序技术

  • 生物信息学和健康信息技术


198812月东南大学生物科学与医学工程系, 博士学位

19846月东南大学电子工程系, 硕士学位




首批获教育部跨世纪优秀人才基金,国家自然科学基金优秀中青年基金,国家自然科学基金杰出人才基金,首批教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授。2002年国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目负责人。曾获教育部科技进步二等奖3项、三等奖3项。指导了三篇全国优秀博士论文。中国电子学会生物医学电子学分会主任委员;国务院学位委员会第六届学科评议组成员,科技部863“十二五生物医药领域前沿生物技术主题专家组成员;国际无线电科学联盟中国委员会委员等。国际学术杂志“IEEE Transaction on Nanobioscience”、“IET nanobiotechnology”、《科学通报》、《仪器仪表学报》、《遗传学报》等学术刊物的编委等。多年来在新一代高通量DNA测序技术、新型生物芯片及其应用、以及生物信息分析等相关领域中取得了多项研究成果,在国际学术刊物上发表论文100多篇,获国家发明专利10多项,其中获美国发明专利1项。申请了国家发明专利20多项。

近十年的主要研究成果包括:提出并发展了硫代碱基切割合成测序、组合标记连接测序以及多重解码合成测序等新型的二代高通量低成本DNA测序技术,设计和研制了新一代高通量DNA测序的实验样机和测序芯片,发展了单分子多拷贝DNA测序文库的制备方法,开展了miRNAChIP-SeqCNVs,微生物16s RNAmRNA,模式生物基因组等测序,具备测序成本低、速度快、精确度高等优势。发展了甲基化检测芯片、双链DNA芯片、PCR产物微阵列芯片、Eppendorf管帽芯片( microarray-in-a-tube) 、荧光定量PCR微阵列芯片、免疫捕获细胞微阵列芯片等多种新型生物芯片技术,并应用于大量临床样本的检测。

















分子印章测序装置和测序方法, 国家专利号:200610096538.2



















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(11)T. Zhou, X. Sun, Z. Lu, “Synonymous codon usage in environmental chlamydia UWE25 reflects an evolutional divergence from pathogenic chlamydiae ”GENE. 2006, 368:117-125

(12)P. Jiang, H. Wu, W. Wang, W. Ma, X. Sun, Z. Lu, MiPred: classification of real and pseudo microRNA precursors using random forest prediction model with combined features, Nucleic Acids Research. 2007, 35: W339-W344

(13)P. Jiang, H. Wu, J. Wei, F. Sang, X. Sun, and Z. Lu, RF-DYMHC: detecting the yeast meiotic recombination hotspots and coldspots by random forest model using gapped dinucleotide composition features, Nucleic Acids Research. 2007, 35: W47-W51

(14)Q. Liu, Y. Bai, Q. Ge, S. Zhou, T. Wen, and Z. LuMicroarray-in-a-tube for Detection of Multiple Viruses, Clinical Chemistry. 2007, 53:188-194

(15)Y. Wan, Y. Wang, P. Xiao, Z. Lu, Bisulfite modification of immobilized DNAs for methylation detection, Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2007, 22:2415-2421

(16)P.Hou, Z. Chen, M. Ji, N. He, Z. Lu, Real-time PCR Assay for Ultrasensitive Quantification of DNA-Binding Proteins, Clinical Chemistry, 2007 53, 581–586

(17)D. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. Bai, Q. Ge, Y. Qiao, J. Luo, C. Jia, and Z. LuA novel method to quantify local CpG methylation density by regional methylation elongation assay on microarrayBMC Genomics. 2008, 9:59

(18)Y. Wang, D. Zhang, W. Zheng, J. Luo, Y. Bai, and Z. Lu, Multiple gene methylation of nonsmall cell lung cancers evaluated with 3-dimensional microarrayCancer. 2008, 112:1325-1336

(19)J. Tang, Y. Li, Z. Pan, Y. Guo, J. Ma, S. Ning, P. Xiao, and Z. Lu, Single nucleotide variations detection by ligation of universal probes on 3-D polyacrylamide gel DNA microarray, Human mutation. 2009, 30:1460-1468

(20)Y. Yang, W. Wang, Y. Li, J. Tu, Y. Bai, P. Xiao, D. Zhang, and Z. Lu, Identification of methylated regions with peak search based on Poisson model from massively parallel methylated DNA immunoprecipitation -sequencing data, Electrophoresis.2010,31:35373544

(21)C. Tang,X. Shi, W. Wang, D. Zhou, J. Tu, X. Xie, Q. Ge, P. Xiao, X. Sun, and Z. Lu, Global analysis of in vivo EGR1-binding sites in erythroleukemia cell using chromatin immunoprecipitation and massively parallel sequencingElectrophoresis. 2010, 31:2936–2943

(22)W. Wang, X. Shi, and Z. LuSimulation of ChIP-Seq based on extra-sonication of IPed DNA fragments, Chinese Science Bulletin. 2010,55:2380-2389

(23)L.Guo, T. Liang, Z. Lu, A comprehensive study of multiple mapping and feature selection for correction strategy in the analysis of small RNAs from SOLiD sequencing. BioSystems, 2011,104: 87-93

(24)J.Tu, Q. Ge, S. Wang, L. Wang, B. Sun, Q. Yang, Y. Bai, and Z. Lu, Pair-barcode high-throughput sequencing for large-scale multiplexed sample analysis. BMC Genomics. 2012, 13(1):43

(25)X.Ma, W. Xu, C. Chen, Z. Lu, andJ. Li,A microfabrication-free nanoliter droplet array for nucleic acid detection combined with isothermal amplification. Analyst, 2015, 140(13) 4370-4373.

(26)F.Liang, A. Ju, Y. Qiao, J. Guo, H. Feng, J. Li, N. Lu, J. Tu, and Z. Lu, A simple approach for an optically transparent nanochannel device prototype. Lab on a Chip, 2016, 16(6):984-991

(27)J.Li, N. Lu, X. Shi, Y. Qiao, L. Chen, M. Duan, Y. Hou, Q. Ge, Y. Tao, J.Tu, and Z. Lu, 1D-reactor Decentralized MDA for Uniform and Accurate Whole Genome Amplification. Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89(19), 10147-10152.