

报告题目:Acetate makes cancer sweeter on Hypoxia Inducible Factors
陈瑞,男,汉族,1979年5月生,江苏连云港人,中共党员。东南大学公共卫生学院教授。2007年于南京医科大学获得毒理学专业医学博士。2007年至2011年先后在美国纽约大学环境研究中心和得州大学西南医学中心从事博士后研究。2011年于西南医学中心晋升为助理教授。现为东南大学青年特聘教授。主要研究方向为肿瘤环境病因学、环境卫生学。先后主持参与美国NIHR01和国家自然科学基金及其省部级科研项目6项,获省部级科技进步二等奖1项;在国内外核心刊物上发表学术论文20余篇,如Science、Cell、Nature Medicine、Nature Chemical Biololgy和JBC等。以第一作者发表文章单篇最高影响因子(SCIENCE)29.747,他引169次;以通讯作者发表的文章单篇最高影响因子28.054(Nature Medicine)。获得江苏省优秀博士论文等荣誉称号。是Molecular and Cellular Biology等多家国际期刊的特约审稿人。目前兼任江苏省环境诱变剂学会理事、江苏省毒理学会理事等职。
 陈瑞博士一直致力于环境应激对肿瘤和缺血相关疾病的机制研究,取得一系列原创性研究成果,在国内外核心刊物上发表学术论文20余篇,如Science、Cell、Nature Medicine、Nature Chemical Biololgy和JBC等。欢迎感趣的老师和学生参加。

Survival of cancer cells in the harsh tumor microenvironment, characterized by oxygen and glucose deprivation, requires rapid initiation of cytoprotective measures. Metabolites whose levels change during stress are ideal signaling cues, particularly if used in post-translational modifications of stress-responsive signal transducers. In cancer cells during oxygen or glucose deprivation, cellular acetate increases to provide substrate for acetate-dependent acetyl CoA synthetase 2 (Acss2). Acetyl CoA production by nuclear, rather than cytosolic, Acss2 promotes acetylation and complex formation of the stress-responsive transcription factor Hypoxia Inducible Factor 2 (HIF-2) with the acetyltransferase/coactivator Creb binding protein (Cbp). In addition to promoting de novo transcription, Acss2 and HIF-2 act in concert to regulate global histone epigenetic marks induced by Cbp. Finally, exogenous acetate augments Acss2/HIF-2 dependent growth and metastasis of cancer cells in culture and in mice. Thus, the acetate switch links nutrient intake and stress signaling with cancer growth and metastasis in mammals.